Transition to Adult Life


Image Free Man in White Crew Neck T-shirt Holding White Printer Paper Stock PhotoAt the IEP meeting held before your child turns 16, and every year after that, the IEP team will discuss transition to adult life.  Transition assessments will be held, and your child will identify dreams and goals for "life after high school."  There will be at least two IEP goals developed to address their needs, one in the area of continued education and one in the area of employment.  Additional goals may be developed in the area of indepdendent living.  Services and supports will be identified in the IEP to help your child attain the goals. It is important that your child attend the IEP meetings at which transition to adult life will be discussed, so that they can be involved in their plan.

♦ Transition Planning Guide for Families

♦ Parent "Toolkit" on Transition Planning


The Special Education Case Manager will conduct transition assessments In preparation for your child's IEP.  They will assess in the areas of interests and skills related to employment.  In addition, if your child has needs in the area of independent living, they will conduct assessment in that area as well.

Examples of career interests assessments:   

Examples of career skills assessments:

Examples of independent living skills assessments:


Your child will be asked to identify their dreams and goals for life after leaving public school.  Examples might be:


  • Attend two-year college
  • Attend training school

Employment- to be employed in:

  • Agriculture
  • Education

Independent Living

  • Rent an apartment
  • Drive a car
  • Supported living


The IEP team will develop goals to assist your child in making progress toward their dreams and goals for life after public school.  Examples of goals might be:


  • Exlpore technical schools in area of interest
  • Visit a local community college
  • Apply for Financial Aid


  • Explore careers on line and their prerequisite skills
  • Participate in a job shadow in a job of interest
  • Create a resume

Independent Living:

  • Read a bus schedule
  • Complete a monthly budget
  • Practice completing rent application


Transition services  your child will receive will be indicated on the Services section of the IEP. The also will be described in the Offer of FAPE on the Least Restrictive Environment page.

Examples of transition services:

  • College Awareness
  • Vocational Assessment
  • Career Awareness
  • Travel Training

Other transition services:

  • WorkAbility I- All districts with high schools in the Ventura County SELPA participate in Project WorkAbility.  This is a program that provides career development and supports to students with IEPs.  Speak to your child's Case Manager about the WorkAbility program at your school.

WorkAbility in Gear Brochure

WorkAbility I Works! Fact Sheet

  • Transition Partnership Project (TPP)Some districts in our SELPA collaborate with the Department of Rehabilitation to provide career development, supports and followup.  Ask your child's Case Manager about TPP in your district. 


The IEP will identify agencies that you and your child may access in order to assist them in adult life.  You or your adult son/daughter can request that representatives of these agencies attend the IEP meeting, or give input. 

Examples of agencies:


Your child's IEP will indicate whether or not they are aiming for a diploma, and if so, the number of credits needed to graduate.  The Course of Study page will indicate the courses that he or she will be taking in the remianing years in school, aimed toward meeting their dreams and goals for the future.

The Course of Study will also note the expected date of leaving public school.  For some students with more severe cognitive disabilities, there are programs available in the public schools for 18-21 year olds (often referred to as "Postsecondary" programs).  Students can remain in public Special Education programs until they graduate with a diploma or the end of the semester in which they turn 22. 



Ventura College

Oxnard College

Moorpark College #1

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