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Private Schools

Public and Private Schools in the Ventura County SELPA  collaborate together to ensure that students with a potential Special Education eligible disability are identifed, assessed, and if eligible, offered an Individualized Education Program (IEP) to address their needs.  The Ventura County SELPA, in its Local Plan, has agreed to provide assessment and services in a manner which differs than that specified in Federal Law.  Although our guidelines meet the same standards for Child Find, Assessment and Services as required in the law, the division of resonsibilities is different.  The responsibility of each entity is as follows:



  • Provide information about Special Education services to students enrolled by their parents in private schools

  • Ensure that child find activities in private schools are comparable to those in public schools



  • Identify all private schools in the district that are registered with the California Department of Education and have 6 or more students

  • Annually gather data on all students enrolled in privates schools who are eligible for Special Education services (with and without Individual Service Plans- ISPs) and the district where their parents reside (District of Geographic Residence- DOGR)

  • Inform the DOGR of the names of students from their district who may be/are Special Education eligible

  • Hold an annual meeting with the representatives of private schools in the district to provide information on Child Find, Assessment, ISPs and the district's Private School Guidelines. 

  • Provide assessment and service planning for students whose families reside outside the SELPA

  • Develop guidelines for the provision of services to Special Education eligible students in private schools in the district

  • Offer an Individual Service Plan to individual students according to guidelines 



  • Make referrals for Special Education assessment only after the resources of the general education program have been considered and utilized as appopriate

  • For students whose families reside within the boundaries of the Ventura County SELPA, direct referrals to the DOGR for assessment for Special Education services (regardless of the disrict where the private school is located). 

  • For students whose families reside outside the boundaries of the Ventura County SELPA, direct referrals to the district where the private school is located for assessment for Special Education services

  • Participate in the IEP process for their students



  • Upon referral, assess all private school students whose parents reside in the district for Special Education eligibility 

  • If assessed and found eligible for Special Education services, develop an IEP with an offer of FAPE.  

  • If the parents refuse the Offer of FAPE and choose to continue to enroll their child in a private school:

    • Transfer the record to the district where the private school is located

    • Make an Offer of FAPE annually


 Please see the Guidelines below for specific about how services are offered via and IFSP to Special Education eligible students enrolled in private schools. 

enlightened Private School Procedures 


10.12.22 Private School Procedures - Powerpoint
10.12.22 Private School Procedures - Cloud Recording Passcode: %4rRF591


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